My Mustache Won’t Connect to My Beard: Here’s the Solution!




My Mustache Won't Connect to My Beard is supported by its readers. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Also, as an Amazon affiliate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

Has this ever happened to you? You grow a mustache and it looks great, but when you try to connect it to your beard…nothing happens. Your mustache just hangs there awkwardly, disconnected from the rest of your facial hair. Don’t worry, we have a solution for you! In this blog post, we will discuss the problem and how to fix it.

As a matter of fact, this is a common problem for many men. There are several reasons why your mustache might not connect to your beard. Maybe your facial hair is growing in different directions, or maybe your genetics gets in the way, and you simply cannot grow a beard in that patchy area between mustache and beard.

There are a few different strategies you can apply to this problem. For starters, you can try to grow your mustache and beard out at the same time. This will help them connect better. You can also try using a hair growth serum to make your mustache and beard grow faster. Let’s explore more down below!

How Do I Get My Mustache to Connect to My Beard?

There are a few things you can do to help your mustache connect to your beard. First, make sure that both your mustache and beard are trimmed evenly. If one is longer than the other, it will be difficult to connect them properly. Also, try using a styling product like mustache wax or pomade. This will help keep everything in place and look neat.

Finally, if all else fails, you can always go for a beard transplant. This is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles are taken from another part of your body and transplanted to the area where you want to grow a beard.

While this might seem like an extreme measure, it can be very effective in achieving the look you want.

How Long Does It Take for The Mustache to Connect to The Beard?

This depends on a number of factors, such as how fast your facial hair grows and how well you take care of it. In general, it will take at least a few weeks for the mustache to connect to your beard, depending on your beard growth rate. If you are patient and take good care of your facial hair, the results will be worth waiting for!

A beard hair grows about half an inch per month. You should wait at least six weeks before deciding if the mustache isn’t connecting to the beard, before doing anything drastic.

Remember, you can also create an illusion when your mustache is a little bit longer than your other facial hair. This can create an illusion that your beard connects, while in fact, it does not.

If you are having trouble getting your mustache to connect to your beard, don’t worry! There are a few things you can do to help it look its best. Be patient, and take good care of your facial hair. If all else fails, consider a beard transplant. But this should be your very last option.

Why Is My Facial Hair Not Connecting?

There are a few reasons your mustache and beard are not connecting. One may be that you simply do not have enough beard growth in the area between the mustache and the cheeks. This may fill in in time, depending on your age, and will become less visible.

Another reason may be due to the direction in which your facial hair is growing. If it grows in different directions, it will be difficult to connect them properly. Trim both the mustache and beard evenly, and use a styling product to help keep everything in place.

If you have tried all of these things and still cannot get your mustache to connect to your beard, you may want to consider a beard transplant. This is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles are taken from another part of your body and transplanted to the area where you want to grow a beard.

Be patient, and take good care of your facial hair! With a little bit of time and effort, you will be able to connect your mustache to your beard and look great!

How Do I Fix a Mustache Gap?

If you’re experiencing a mustache gap, there are a few things you can do to fix it. First, make sure that your mustache is trimmed evenly on both sides. If one side is longer than the other, it will create a noticeable gap. You can also try using a styling product to help connect the mustache to the beard. A wax or pomade will help to hold the hairs in place and create a smoother look. Finally, make sure you’re using the right mustache wax. A strong-hold wax is best for connecting a mustache to a beard.

The mustache gap happens because of the spot which is called “philtrum or cupid’s bow”. This is the part that is right underneath your nostrils, which feels like a little grove if you put a finger just in the middle of your upper lip. Some men with larger philtrum or cupid’s bow, also often experience a larger mustache gap. This will be extra noticeable if you also have a thinner mustache.

How Can I Make My Moustache Fuller?

There are a few things you can do to make your mustache fuller. First, make sure that you’re using the right grooming products. A wax or pomade will help to hold the hairs in place and create a smoother look. You can also try using good quality beard oil to help your skin have the right nourishments to get that beard to grow.

Another thing you can do is make sure that your mustache is trimmed correctly. Trimming it too short will make it appear thinner than it is, so be sure to trim it evenly and use a good pair of scissors or clippers.

You can also try micro-needling your mustache, which will help to stimulate hair growth. This is a process where tiny needles are used to puncture the skin and create micro-channels. These channels allow for better absorption of products that can promote hair growth.

If you’re still having trouble getting your mustache to connect to your beard, then you may want to consider using a hair transplant. This is a process where hair follicles are taken from one part of the body and transplanted to another. It’s a more permanent solution, but it can be costly but very effective.

Beard Growth Kit – Beard Growth Roller – Beard Growth Oil on

Beard Growth and Minoxidil = True?

There is some anecdotal evidence that beard growth can be promoted by using a product called minoxidil. This is a medication that is used to treat hair loss, and some people have reported that it helps to promote beard growth as well. While there is no scientific evidence to support this claim, it’s worth trying if you’re having trouble growing a beard.

In this article, we tried those on a family member. At the starting point, his beard thickness wasn’t great, but this was soon to change!

After a few weeks of daily use, he started to see a huge difference in beard thickness. The only caveat to this is that minoxidil dries out your skin, meaning that you need to apply a lot more beard oil to help with the itching. Also, if you stop using minoxidil, the beard that you’ve gained will eventually fall off.

Minoxidil works by widening the blood vessels, which in turn allows more nutrients and oxygen to reach the hair follicles. This helps to promote hair growth, both on the head and on the face.

If you’re having trouble growing a beard, then it’s worth trying minoxidil to see if it works for you. Just be sure to apply plenty of beard oil to keep your skin moisturized, and be prepared to keep using the minoxidil if you want to maintain the beard that you’ve grown.








Pricey but gets the job done. Been in the market for a long time

Liquid. can be hard to spread evenly on your face. 

A bit cheaper than rogaine, but essentially the same thing.


While you may not have the thickest of beards, it is still possible to have a mustache and an amazing beard. I would like to point out Johnny Depp here as an example. I would argue that even though Johnny does sport a quite weak beard game, he still makes his beard and overall style look amazing, due to good beard care and trimming, and matching his clothing style accordingly.

Having a mustache that doesn’t connect to your beard can be frustrating, but with a bit of time and effort, you can usually fix the problem. Make sure you’re using the right products and trimming your facial hair correctly. If those things don’t work, then consider a beard transplant as a last resort. Be patient, and you’ll be able to have the mustache of your dreams.

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    Jessica Pinkston

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