First off, welcome to my site!
I’m a Dad, Husband, IT Manager, and most recently an Entrepreneur. Somewhat in that order.
I’ve worked all my life in tech and IT. I’ve worked by helping clients of the phone. Pitched ideas in board rooms, and assisted in sales. You can pretty much say I’ve covered a whole lot!
This blog came to existence because of my many interests in beard, beard care, and motorcycles. This is quite a new interest of mine, and I’ve been growing my beard for about 2-3 years per writing this page.
As you can see in the picture, I’ve managed to grow some kind of beard, and it doesn’t look all that bad!
All these topics have different stories of how they came to be, but as you grow older some hobbies grow, and some don’t. Mostly we’ll talk about beards on this blog. But there will also be a few motorcycle discussions and maybe even some reviews down the line, depending on how much time I can spend on each subject :).
See you around,